Sunday 12 October 2008

proposal form

Proposal Form of preliminary task
Stephen Wager
The brief I decided upon was chosen as a result of the targeted audience fitting those who are writing it. Therefore the likelihood of things affecting them currently will also be having an impact on the writers and thus an article on the subject can be written or the audience can relate to the feeling and opinions of the matter. Their connection made with the magazine can only be beneficial, as word will spread getting more people to buy or read one. It will be published monthly and s will be of a fair length but all of it fun so no a single bit will be deliberately unread by the readers.
The core audience profile we plan to target is sixth form. Making a connection with this age range will be easy as (already stated) the age of the writers and audience correspond with one another, as well as the majority of them having been in the school for 5 years. This leaves a wide gap for articles to be written, for example, ‘‘Memories of past events’’, ‘‘what's changed’’ & ‘’who’s gone, where are they now?’’
My working title not only specifies the target audience quite blatantly but also could be seen to attract other audiences such as younger years. They may be intrigued as to what sixth form life is like or what goes on in the common room and then stay reading because it is a fun easy going magazine that can make them laugh.
Generally the idea behind this magazine is to inform and entertain. Having important need-to-know information provides a service whilst entertaining making it fun and getting the target audience actually interested in it. Our aim in combining these two aspects of the magazine will be to keep them as little segregated as possible, the result of this is that the information will blend in and keep the magazines ‘fun’ vibe still going. Information inside it could even be set out like advertisements; these could be for School Plays, rallying help for sports day, or making announcements.
This magazine will in no way condone or encourage violence, bullying or bad behaviour. It will always have life lessons of what the various students have realised now they have reached this stage in their lives and possibly even include their regrets. Whilst it may deal with some of life’s more difficult situations and problems facing teens today, it will only be for support of people in those situations. It will be seemingly normal; the theme we AIM for will be almost sixth form gossip.
The cover I wish to style like the school, an old and rustic feel to it, using textures such as oak to fill in gaps of colour (and to continue this theme throughout, like a house style) making it fun but sensible to captivate the gentle maturity of the sixth form. Other colours shall be used, its got to say its entertaining, fun and in no way dull whilst not looking desperate and over the top to get there attention like many magazines do and almost seem patronising.
The cover will feature a few pictures of relevance to certain articles featured in that month’s magazine put next to the articles titles and a specially written sentence to gather interest, all of which will be in the left third. The cover shot will be the basis of the front cover, a large photograph to do with the main feature article of the month. This month’s main focus is ‘‘BCHS students, where are they now?’’ so a picture of an ex-BCHS student, posing, looking at the camera and giving a hint as to what hey do now, e.g. in front of a college, working in there shop etc.
The front pages left third will be similar to the contents page; it will have a photograph, title and a tiny piece of information about it. It will be different in the way that the picture will be smaller (as well as all the text) and the information on it, or blurb will be a great deal less than it will be on the contents page. Three examples of magazine content which we are planning to use, are, ‘people profiles’, in which we interview different people nominated by the reading audience and publish the results of the questions put forward to the individual. Secondly, a ‘what’s your opinion’ section which simply put people can debate about any and/or all issues they wish to. This will often take place in real life and then our reporter put the results into an article. Although we will of course accept fan mail and publish the more appropriate and relevant letters of the month. Lastly a ‘you were voted…’ article which can be ongoing, people nominate titles (through voting) and then nominate the most appropriate person for that title. E.g. who was voted the most random guy/girl? Find out inside…
On the front cover there will be no use of bad language of improper use of the English language as far as we will be able to tell. We will state properly what is in this issue of the magazine. Use colour and photographs to rally interest. certain phrases on the front cover will be different to make them stand out and noticed. E.g. The title and main focus of it. ‘What’s your opinion?’ and ‘This month: Alcohol’
The alternative this offers to other magazines on the market is that it is fun, light-hearted and not just ATTEMPTING to be these things. It’s main outstanding feature is that it is ABOUT them, they are almost guaranteed to either be about them or someone they closely know, making them interested to see what was written about them, or why. It can feature personal jokes that to someone outside of sixth form would not get/understand. They will read it as though listening to a group of friends have a chat.

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